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Chlamydia is caused by a bacteria that most commonly infects the cervix in women and the urethra in men. While infections can also occur in the rectum, throat, and eyes, the Healthyr STD panel only detects infections in the vagina and penis. The bacteria is most commonly spread through vaginal, anal, and oral sex. While most people with chlamydia do not experience symptoms, in women the infection may cause discharge from the cervix, cervical bleeding, painful urination or sex, tenderness in the cervix, or increased frequency of urination. In men chlamydia can cause discharge from the penis, painful urination, or tenderness, pain, or swelling of the testicles. The Healthyr chlamydia test looks for genetic material from the bacteria in your urine, indicating an active infection.

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Gonorrhea is caused by a bacteria that most commonly infects the urethra of the penis and vagina, as well as the cervix in women. While infections can also occur in the rectum, throat, and eyes, the Healthyr STD panel only detects infections in the vagina and penis. The bacteria is most commonly spread through vaginal, anal, and oral sex. While most people with gonorrhea do not experience symptoms, in women the infection may cause discharge from the cervix, vaginal bleeding, painful urination or sex, or increased frequency of urination. In men gonorrhea can cause discharge from the penis, painful urination, or tenderness, pain, or swelling of the testicles. The Healthyr gonorrhea test looks for genetic material from the bacteria in your urine, indicating an active infection.

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Hepatitis B (Hep B) is a virus that infects the liver and is mostly commonly spread through vaginal sex, anal sex, or sharing injectable drug equipment like needles and syringes. Symptoms of acute infection usually appear within 3 months of exposure, but it’s possible to be infected with Hep B without experiencing any symptoms. The Healthyr Hep B test looks for viral genetic material in your blood, indicating an active infection. According to the Mayo Clinic, this type of test is able to detect Hep B 30 days after exposure to the virus.

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Hepatitis C (Hep C) is a virus that infects the liver and is mostly commonly spread through sharing injectable drug equipment like needles and syringes but can also be spread through sexual activity. Most people do not experience symptoms until decades after the initial infection. The Healthyr Hep C test looks for viral genetic material in your blood, indicating an active infection. According to the CDC, this type of test is able to detect Hep C 1 to 2 weeks after exposure to the virus.

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Human Immunodeficiency Virus 1 (HIV-1) is the virus that causes Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and is mostly commonly spread through vaginal sex, anal sex, or sharing injectable drug equipment like needles and syringes. The Healthyr HIV test looks for viral genetic material in your blood, indicating an active infection. According to the CDC, this type of test is able to detect HIV 10 to 33 days after exposure to the virus.

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Human Immunodeficiency Virus 2 (HIV-2) is the virus that causes Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and is mostly commonly spread through vaginal sex, anal sex, or sharing injectable drug equipment like needles and syringes. The Healthyr HIV test looks for viral genetic material in your blood, indicating an active infection. According to the CDC, this type of test is able to detect HIV 10 to 33 days after exposure to the virus.

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Syphilis is caused by a bacteria that primarily spreads through contact with a syphilis sore (called a chancre) during vaginal, anal, or oral sex. This infection can be present for many years and several different symptoms can be attributed to the infection at different stages of the infection. The Healthyr STD test detects antibodies that your body produces to fight the bacteria that causes syphilis. In primary syphilis, a single firm, round, painless chancre appears at the location where the bacteria entered the body, usually on the penis, vagina, anus, or mouth. Because the chancre is painless, it often goes unnoticed, especially when it appears in hard to see places. While it is common for a single chancre to appear, it is also possible for several chancres to appear. Chancres heal in about 3-6 weeks, but without treatment primary syphilis may develop to secondary syphilis. Secondary syphilis occurs as the initial chancre is healing or several weeks after it has healed. Common symptoms of secondary syphilis include rashes or lesions on the vagina, anus, or mouth, but rashes can also occur anywhere on the body such as the palms of the hand or feet. The rash may also be accompanied by fever, sore throat, swollen lymph nodes, headaches, patchy hair loss, muscle weakness, and fatigue. The symptoms of secondary syphilis are often mistaken for other conditions, which has led syphilis to earn the nickname “”the great imitator.”” If syphilis is not treated through the secondary stage, then the infection enters the latent stage, which may last for decades. While there are no symptoms associated with latent syphilis, leaving the infection untreated can eventually lead to damage to the heart, brain, nervous system, liver, eyes, and bones. The tertiary stage of syphilis occurs in about 15% to 30% of people who are not treated for their syphilis infection. People with tertiary syphilis experience severe or life threatening complications with their heart, brain, nervous system, liver, eyes, and bones. Because the infection can affect so many different parts of your body, symptoms are wide ranging and can include severe headache, mental disorders, dementia, coronary artery disease, muscle weakness or paralysis, numbness, eye pain, eye redness, blurry vision, blindness, hearing loss, buzzing or ringing in the ears, difficulty with balance, dizziness or vertigo.

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Trichomonas vaginalis is a parasite that infects the lower genital tract in both men and women, but typically causes more symptoms women. While most people with trichomonas do not experience symptoms, the infection may cause discharge from the penis or vagina, genital redness or irritation, painful urination or sex, or a burning sensation in the penis or vagina. The Healthyr trichomonas test looks for genetic material from the parasite in your urine, indicating an active infection. This type of test is able to detect trichomonas 28 days after exposure.